This fashionable teal green, silk kurta has warm gold undertones that make it shimmery and vibrant, perfect for any South Asian event. The color is both festive and splendid, making it a versatile option for any evening event. The kurta can be paired with white or gold pyjama pants, which will create a stylish and coordinated look.
This kurta is perfect for the wedding ceremony and reception, as well as other evening South Asian events. It is also a great choice for a classy night out with friends.
- Made of luxurious silk fabric
- Traditional design
- Teal green color with gold undertones
- Comfortable, relaxed fit
- Can be paired with white or gold pyjama pants
- Perfect for wedding ceremony
- Looks vibrant and elegant
- Feels soft and comfortable to the touch
- Is comfortable and easy to wear
- Can be dressed up or down
- Makes a great impression at any South Asian event
- Complements other traditional Indian clothing
Teal Green Kurta